Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Journey


On verdant leaf, a strange spot's birth
A tiny mark, of life and mirth
It spreads its hue, like morning dew
And turns the green, to yellow anew

The leaf, once full, now withers slow
As if the sap, began to flow
In reverse, a tale of woe
As nature's beauty, starts to go

The tree, above, with sorrow's sigh
Watches its child, begin to die
It weeps, in silence, tears of pain
For life's brief span, and fleeting gain

The wind whispers secrets, as it blows
Of life's transience, and nature's woes
The leaf, now yellow, starts to fall
And with it, memories, of life's call

*an AI assisted poem

Sunday, May 5, 2024

What’s Packed in a Seed?


Strong bark, many branches,
Velvet soft or harsh buds and many leaves,
Smooth, fragrant and nectar filled flowers,
May be thorns too, but to protect them,
How all those are packed in a small seed?
But, to know what it brings that
shall be planted,
grow with strong roots,
span of time
and go through many phases,
to stand tall and reap fruits.
Sure, they give you
priceless breathing air
since they span their arms with love,
tiny green leaves.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Ride Alone to Win


One shall put all the efforts, ride alone
to hear many claps at Finish line.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Where Fair, Free and Justice is Found?


Not in places
where preaches, sermons, chants are common, 
Not under roof of institutions
dedicated to ensure,
But only one place where
Fair, Free and Justice
is found in,
dear dictionary,
please preserve those for
a reasonable time
to come.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Nature’s Treat


Dark clouds travels fast.
Oh! What a pleasant mild blow.
The dance gathering in, move a way fast,
is it a flock dance, but beautiful.
Clock yet to reach five.
Stage sky high, background was dark
where range of lights offered by the nature.
Wind catches the rhythm, tall trees in join the chorus.
Stage turn darker.
White beauties with slim brown body
fly in like a row of angles
moving around and around
quick and fast,
doubt any ballerina could do.

Oh, wind turned harsh,
clouds may be sad, in tears
sudden turn to downpour.
Where did those softy angels hide?

What a beautiful nature’s treat?
Cracked open thick nut shell,
set them free.
May be they are in their journey to grow tall.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Life Pulls Back

Life pulls back,
Not knowingly soul is a bow.
Never mind,
shall stretch back
not one, but two or more inches.
To shoot arrows forward.
But do not break me, the bow!

Monday, November 20, 2023

Congratulating Cricket

The game is so called gentleman’s
Battle in the middle of green is the beauty
Decreed that cricket would be played in a gentlemanly manner
Tourney is to attain the title World Championship
Of course competition is fiery
No matter what, game shall be the game with its scent and beauty

Let me congratulate Team Australia
For winning World Cricket Championship 2023
For classy display of the final game
That defeating shameless wrong doings throughout the tourney,
shocking blind, deaf and toothless game’s governing body
and its mockery in front of money vested bully

The winning may
restore and save the beauty in cricket
send many devils out
mark the end of International Cricketing Crooks
bring back gentlemen to
govern the International Cricket